The Gaming and Wagering Commission (GWC)’s purpose is to ensure the integrity and fairness of gaming and wagering in Western Australia through independent and contemporary regulatory practice that protects and educates the consumer, considers community
benefit, and minimises harms.
Three strategic pillars form the basis of the GWC strategic plan. Each strategic pillar has various focus areas with a number of initiatives to be delivered:
Strategy, policy and legal
1. Establish office and operating model of the GWC
1.1 Embed GWC charter, KPIs, benchmarks, delegations and strategic plan.
1.2 Establish a GWC operating model and structure that delivers highly effective regulation and builds public confidence in the regulator.
1.3 Set strategic priorities for the DLGSC to deliver.
1.4 Ensure suitable GWC funding and resources.
1.5 Embed the current DLGSC-GWC service level agreement (SLA) in collaboration with the DLGSC.
1.6 Consider the racing bets levy process with a view to ensure continuous improvement to financial reporting and compliance.
1.7 Create deep regulatory understanding within the GWC.
2. Support legislative changes and recommend legislative reform
2.1 Progress changes arising from Tranche 2 legislation.
2.2 Actively contribute to developing Tranche 3 legislative reforms.
2.3 Consider online wagering regulatory reform.
3. Support industry remediation
3.1 Provide advice on the implementation of Perth Casino Royal Commission recommendations to the Minister.
3.2 Undertake casino regulation reform. Serve and monitor agreed casino reform directions.
3.3 Undertake Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) regulatory monitoring to ensure compliance with its regulatory obligations.
3.4 Consider digital technology in the Perth Casino and RWWA gambling environment.
4. Enhance the GWC risk function and integrity framework
4.1 Develop GWC specific strategic and operational risks and risk appetite statement.
4.2 Enhance GWC Regulatory Posture and Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
4.3 Apply the governance model for the GWC.
Regulation and gambling harm minimisation
5. Maintain an effective regulatory environment
5.1 Refine regulatory policies to be consistent with posture, and establish regulatory framework.
5.2 Implement a clear and focused intelligence, investigation and prosecution approach.
5.3 Establish a data analysis capability to inform regulatory enforcement monitoring and decision making.
5.4 Develop information sharing arrangements with key organisations including WA Police Force, AUSTRAC, other enforcement agencies and jurisdictional regulators.
5.5 GWC to discharge its obligations to regulate the management of the money laundering and terrorism financing (ML/TF) risks of Perth Casino and RWWA.
5.6 Review effectiveness of current practices to ensure quality audits and quality inspections are undertaken.
6. Strengthen the approach to gambling harm minimisation
6.1 Engage research into nature and extent of gambling harm in Western Australia.
6.2 Engage with DLGSC to identify the best model for independent gambling research.
6.3 Engage with key stakeholders involved in gambling harm minimisation.
7. Establish effective communications with the full range of relevant stakeholders
7.1 Develop the GWC’s communications plan and increase the profile of the GWC in the community as a regulator.
7.2 Develop the GWC’s statement on harm and deliver a public campaign on gambling harm and harm awareness.
7.3 Build positive regulatory working relationships with key regulated entities to ensure best practice in gaming and wagering is undertaken.
Casino regulation
8. Assess suitability for Licensee
8.1 Develop a suitability assessment framework to guide GWC in preparing the required suitability recommendations.
8.2 Collating the information required to make a suitability recommendation relative to the Perth Casino licensee in 2025.
8.3 Complete a suitability recommendation relative to the Perth Casino licensee in 2025.
9. Monitor the continuation of remediated activities
9.1 Establish an assurance capability to monitor remaining remediation requirements post the closure of the Office of the Independent Monitor.
9.2 Develop an assurance plan to monitor the continuation of remediated activities by the Perth Casino to ensure ongoing resourcing, adherence and embedment.