Every Club Grant Scheme


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Every Club Grant Scheme information

About the grant scheme

The Every Club Grant Scheme provides three-year funding to enable organisations to support sport and recreation clubs to build their organisational capacity and capability with a focus on governance, planning and management practices.

The grant scheme is part of the broader Every Club Program aimed at providing a holistic, accessible and sustainable model of club support to sport and recreation clubs across Western Australia.

The Every Club Program comprises of:

  1. Every Club Hub — access to online information and resources for sport and recreation clubs.
  2. Every Club Network — networking and professional development opportunities for club development professionals in Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and state sporting associations (SSAs).
  3. Every Club Education — provision of learning and development opportunities for the sport and recreation club development workforce.
  4. Every Club Grant Scheme — investment into local government sport and recreation club development plans.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) is seeking applications for projects that provide accessible and flexible learning and development opportunities to support clubs within a geographical location or a sport and recreation member network.

Projects should be designed to address the governance, management and planning needs of the sport and recreation clubs; be informed by consultation, evidence and trends; and demonstrate partnerships with sport and recreation industry stakeholders to ensure a club centred approach.

Outcome and objectives

The outcome of the Every Club Grant Scheme is that:

  • sport and recreation clubs are supported to build their organisational capacity and capability through accessible and flexible club development services.

The objectives of the Every Club Grant Scheme are to:

  • provide education, training and professional development opportunities for the sport and recreation club workforce
  • support sport and recreation clubs to adopt good governance, planning and management practices
  • demonstrate partnerships between LGAs, SSAs, regional sporting associations and sport and recreation clubs.


Club development
Club development focuses on enhancing the organisational performance of a sport and recreation club in the key areas of governance, planning and management to ensure its operations are efficient and effective and its members and participants are provided quality programs and services.
Local Government Authorities
Local government is the 'grassroots' level of government in Australia. Its council members are ideally placed to monitor the changing needs of local communities, to plan and implement strategies to meet those needs, and to bring local concerns to the attention of the State Government and Commonwealth Government.
Sport and recreation clubs
An incorporated association that delivers sport and recreation activities to the community and may or may not be affiliated with a National Sporting Organisation, SSA or peak body.


The following organisations are eligible to apply:

  • metropolitan and regional Local Government Authorities (LGAs).

To be eligible for funding, organisations must:

  • be registered as a Local Government Entity in Western Australia;
  • possess an Australian Business Number (ABN); and
  • maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. A certificate of currency of insurance for the coming year should be provided upon application. Please note, for public liability insurance, a minimum value of $10 million per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim is required.

In addition, the following will apply:

  • Organisations must commit to ensuring a COVID-19 safe environment and complying with all relevant regulations.
  • Organisations must make a co-contribution of financial and in-kind support to the value of:
    • 50% of total project costs for metropolitan LGAs
    • 33% of total project costs for regional LGAs.
  • Organisations with outstanding acquittals for any DLGSC grant may have payments withheld until outstanding acquittal documentation is satisfactorily completed.

Ineligible organisations

  • State and Commonwealth government agencies
  • Unincorporated not-for-profit organisations
  • Commercial or for-profit organisations
  • Educational institutions/agencies including schools, universities and TAFE colleges.

Every Club Grant Scheme Investment Framework

  • The Every Club Grant Scheme is an application-based program with funding allocated to support the scope and reach of implementing a club development plan for an LGA’s geographical location in metropolitan or regional WA.
  • Organisations will apply for 3-year funding for project delivery dates:
    • Year 1: 1 January to 31 December 2023
    • Year 2: 1 January to 31 December 2024
    • Year 3: 1 January to 31 December 2025.
  • Applications may be considered outside these timelines on a case-by-case basis or through a targeted grant round process (subject to budget availability).
  • Organisations must make a co-contribution of financial and/or in-kind support to the total project costs (refer eligibility).
  • Grants should not constitute the entire financial base of an organisation.
  • Auspice arrangements are not accepted.
  • Organisations are able to apply for up to $50,000 per annum.

Funding can be used for

  • implementation of a club development plan
  • project-based related salaries
  • learning and development opportunities for the sport and recreation club workforce and volunteers
  • presenter fees associated with delivery of learning and development opportunities
  • consultant fees
  • venue and equipment hire (not owned or occupied by applicant)
  • advertising, publicity, promotion, marketing, printing and publishing costs for club development initiatives
  • provision of interpreting and translating services.

Funding cannot be used for

  • administration of KidSport
  • club membership fees
  • existing, ongoing or recurrent organisational costs (for example, non-project-related salaries, insurance, lease or rental payments)
  • projects that would be more appropriately supported through an alternative funding source or existing DLGSC grants program
  • projects undertaken outside of Western Australia
  • projects that have already been funded by DLGSC
  • club development plans that have already taken place or have commenced
  • capital works (for example, purchase of land or buildings, repairs, extensions, renovations or maintenance)
  • purchase of capital equipment (for example, computers, photocopiers and vehicles)
  • purchase of merchandise or sporting equipment (for example, clothing, uniforms, water bottles, balls)
  • trophies, prize money or gifts
  • hospitality functions (for example, catering, alcohol, entertainment).

How to apply

Application information

  • Read and understand the grant guidelines before commencing the application process.
  • You must discuss your project with DLGSC before applying.
  • Complete an application form and submit with the following supporting documentation:
    • strategic or community plan.
    • 3-year club development plan.
    • comprehensive three-year budget (refer Funding can be used for).
    • a copy of current public liability insurance certificate (minimum required is $10 million).
  • Submit your application form and supporting documentation to everyclub@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Assessment, approval and acquittal process

Assessment and approval process

  • The DLGSC Grants Administrators will assess applications for compliance with the eligibility criteria.
  • The DLGSC Grants Assessors will conduct a preliminary assessment of eligible applications against the assessment criteria and provide a summary, which may include scores, rankings, funding allocations and rationale, for the assessment panel to consider.
  • An assessment panel will be formed to conduct an independent review of the assessment process, the preliminary assessment information and ratify recommended applicants to be submitted to the DLGSC Director General for endorsement.
  • The panel will comprise two independent DLGSC staff and one independent external assessor from an LGA/or an SSA/or an independent club development expert.
  • The DLGSC Director General to endorse the recommended applicants and submit to the Minister for Sport and Recreation for approval.
  • The Minister for Sport and Recreation to approve the recommended applicants as per the relevant funding source legislation.
  • Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing.
  • Applications may not be successful and may not be funded to the full amount requested.

Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed against the following five criteria:

  1. Strategic alignment and planning

    The application demonstrates that delivery of sport and recreation club development outcomes and objectives are aligned to the organisation’s strategic plan and/or community plan.

  2. Community need

    The application demonstrates the needs of the sport and recreation clubs in its community (geographical or sport) and how this has been informed (for example,  community consultation, research evidence and trends).

  3. Capacity and capability building

    The application demonstrates the learning and development opportunities to be provided to support sport and recreation clubs to adopt governance, planning and management practices and the benefits the program will have on the capacity and capability of the club workforce and volunteers.

  4. Partnerships

    The organisation demonstrates that the project will be delivered in partnership with the sport and recreation industry and with its community, identifies its key stakeholders and how a club centred approach will be achieved.

  5. Project Plan and Budget

    The project is supported by a detailed club development plan and demonstrates how the project will be promoted and evaluated. The project is based on a realistic budget and represents value for money.

Each assessment criteria are weighted equally.

Grant agreement

  • Approved applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement that outlines the grant conditions, key deliverables and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the eligible applicant body.
  • No grant monies will be paid to an individual.

Acquittal requirements

  • At the completion of the first and second years of the project, your organisation will need to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement and develop and agree to a key results schedule for the next project period.
  • At the completion of the project, your organisation will need to complete an acquittal report to demonstrate that the funding has been spent in accordance with the grant agreement.
  • Your acquittal report must be submitted within 30 days of the project completion date as specified in the grant agreement.

Conditions of funding agreements

  • If your organisation has an ABN and is registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST), the grant will be grossed up by 10% of the grant amount.
  • If your organisation has an ABN and is not registered for GST, no GST will be paid.

DLGSC acknowledgement and evaluation

  • Successful organisations will be required to acknowledge DLGSC. Further details will be provided to successful applicants within their grant agreement.
  • Successful organisations will be required to participate in any research and/or evaluations relating to this funding and/or funded projects.

Further information

James Pervan
Project Manager, Sport Business Development
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Telephone 61 8 9492 9740
Email everyclub@dlgsc.wa.gov.au
PO Box 8349, Perth Business Centre WA 6849
246 Vincent Street, Leederville WA 6007

Page reviewed 18 October 2023