Perth has been announced as a host city, with matches to be played at Perth Rectangular Stadium (PRS) in July and August 2023.
The State Government is investing $35 million to upgrade some of the ageing facilities at the PRS ahead of the event.
What’s happening
Construction began in May 2022.
Most of the construction works will be undertaken between May 2022 and April 2023.
There will be continued activity on site after January 2023 in preparation for the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which commences in July 2023.
The upgrades will allow the historic Perth venue to meet FIFA requirements to be a Women’s World Cup host venue and provide benefits for future events.
Upgrades include:
- replacing the halogen lights with a shift to modern, lower energy LED lighting
- upgrading the pitch through removal, levelling and turf replacement
- upgrading the player amenities
- new players' race.
The project will also deliver temporary infrastructure for the event to provide patron amenities to cater for the World Cup. These will be installed in the leadup to the tournament.
Public experience at the PRS
The project will have minimal impact on the public.
The changes are required to enhance player experience and meet media requirements for significant events.
The changes will be completed in time for the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup and provide ongoing legacy benefits to future users.
Project schedule
Milestone | Forecast |
Main works commence | May 2022 |
FIFA temporary overlay commences | May 2023 |
FIFA Women’s World Cup commences | July 2023 |
FIFA Women’s World Cup concludes | Aug 2023 |
Legacy works completed | Jan 2024 |
Parking and access to Loton Park Tennis Club during construction
Most works are occurring within the existing site and therefore not expected to disrupt traffic, parking or access around the venue.
Access to, and use of the adjacent Loton Park Tennis Club will not be affected.
Changes to the look of the PRS
There will be a new building adjacent to the western stand.
The remainder of the existing stadium will remain largely unchanged.
The Western Stand, which is heritage listed, will not be affected.
Stadium capacity
There will not be an increase to seating or stadium capacity as a result of the works.
The works being undertaken relate to FIFA requirements for player and official experience.
Noise management
Some construction noise is inevitable.
All efforts will be made to minimise the disruption to adjacent residents.
All works will be within the PRS site boundary.
No trees will be removed as a result of the works.
Many of the trees are protected by the PRS's heritage listing.
The sports lighting will be changed to the more energy efficient LED globes.
This will result in reduced lighting spill to public areas during events.
Lighting levels in public areas will be unchanged on non-event days.
Further information about the FIFA Women’s World Cup event.
More information