Booking conditions

Conditions of booking allow all clients a fair and equitable camp experience.

Advance bookings

Bickley, Ern Halliday, Quaranup and Woodman Point camps

Bookings may be taken up to 13 months in advance.

Point Walter

Bookings can be taken up to 24 months in advance.

Minimum stays at Bickley, Ern Halliday, Quaranup and Woodman Point

The minimum occupancy period is two nights, except long weekends which require a three night minimum stay.

Arrival and departure

Standard arrival and departure times apply. An earlier arrival and/or later departure could require additional fees or the booking of additional facilities; this will be arranged at the discretion of the camp staff.

Monday to Saturday at Bickley, Ern Halliday, Quaranup and Woodman Point

  • 2pm arrival
  • 10am departure.

Monday to Sunday at Point Walter

  • 5pm arrival
  • 2pm departure.

Sunday and public holidays at Bickley, Ern Halliday, Quaranup and Woodman Point

  • 5pm arrival
  • 2pm departure.


A booking will be confirmed when the department has received the following within 14 days of making a booking:

  • a deposit
  • a signed booking contract.

Cancellation fees

The cancellation fees that apply in the event of a cancelled booking are:

  • 6 months or more before arrival date — $50.00
  • 3 to 6 months before arrival date — 50% of deposit
  • Less than 3 months before arrival date — 100% of deposit.

Transfer fees

A $50 fee will be applied to each change or transfer of booking. Deposits or part thereof may be forfeited when a booking is changed or transferred within two months of the arrival date.

Tax invoice

A tax invoice will be forwarded to you after your stay and calculated in the minimum nightly charge or the per person charge (whichever is the greater). All monies are payable within 10 working days of the invoice issue date.

Exclusive catering — metropolitan camps

Accolade Catering provides catering services at Bickley, Ern Halliday, Point Walter and Woodman Point recreation camps. Accolade Catering has total rights to cater for all groups at all times. No other caterer is permitted to operate at these sites.

This service is designed to provide the most efficient use of camp resources whilst achieving Australian Food Health Standard. The menus are nutritionally balanced, competitively priced and targeted to camp clients. Please refer to our catering page for further information.

Exclusive catering — Camp Quaranup

Catering is available at Camp Quaranup for all groups, provided by our qualified chef. Self catering is only permitted in the self-contained accommodation areas. No outside catering company is permitted to operate on site. 

This service is designed to provide the most efficient use of camp resources whilst achieving Australian Food Health Standards. The menus are nutritionally balanced, competitively priced and targeted to camp clients. Please refer to our catering for further information.

To book catering, or obtain a quote, contact the camp office directly on 61 8 9844 4087.


Self-catering is only available to those persons residing in the specified dorms at:

  • Self-catering can only be carried out by the incumbent group and no outside professional caterers are permitted to cater at camp.
  • A self-catering fee will apply per person per day of occupancy charged at a flat rate of $3.50 for schools, $3.50 for community groups and $3.50 for corporate groups (inc. GST). 
  • Groups wishing to self-cater must seek prior approval from the department during the booking process.
  • Groups must provide the department with a copy of their Public Liability Insurance Policy.
  • Groups must clean and remove grease from all ovens, cook tops and grills, clear out the cool room and de-sanitise all kitchen surfaces and bench tops.
  • Groups must provide all their own detergents, cloths, tea towels and other cleaning equipment.
  • All kitchen items must be cleaned and stacked as appropriate to the satisfaction of camp management.
  • Kitchen access times are managed by the camp office and are independent of site arrival and departure times.
  • A cleaning fee of $50 (inc. GST) per hour will be charged if the kitchen is not restored to its pre-occupied condition.

Alcohol policy

The department does not have a catering licence covering the sale or supply of alcoholic beverages. As a result, alcohol is not permitted at any camp unless written approval has been provided by the camp manager to the client in advance of the booking date and only when it does not conflict with other groups.

For more information refer to our Alcohol Policy.

No smoking policy

As a State Government facility, no smoking is allowed within the camp grounds.

More information

Camp Bookings Office

Whadjuk Noongar Country
246 Vincent Street Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 8349
Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Telephone 61 8 9492 9999
Page reviewed 19 April 2022