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Creative WA: A 10 year vision to grow and sustain our creative ecosystem

$54 million to support vision for a Creative WA

Dec 12, 2024
The WA Government has announced a $54 million funding package as part of its ambitious 10-year vision for culture, arts and creative industries in Western Australia.

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Create X digital tile

WA artists to benefit from exchange program with SE Asia

A new grant program will provide an opportunity for Western Australian artists to take part in an exchange program with artists in South East Asia.
Young female boxers leaning against boxing ring ropes chatting - stock photo

Combat Sports Commission launches online education unit

The Commission has launched a new online education unit for combat sport registrants of Western Australia.
City of Armadale CEO Joanna Abbiss

The allure of Armadale — a place of opportunity

Joanne Abbiss is the newly appointed chief executive officer of the City of Armadale, the third fastest growing local government in WA filled with natural beauty and great opportunities.
A hockey player demonstrating hitting the ball in front of children

Sports champions inspire Mid West youth

Young people in WA’s Mid West met and learnt tips from some of Australia’s best sporting champions as part of the Champions 2 Country tour held last month.
A picturesque beach

Boost for beach safety

Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) signs have been rolled out across WA to boost beach safety and emergency service response times by providing accurate location information.
Portrait of confident business woman at coffee shop

Governance update: local government reforms

The Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019 introduced a range of new reforms when it was passed by Parliament in June 2019.
Two women smiling in a park

Wellbeing index for Western Australia

Australian National Development Index (ANDI) Roundtable is taking place this month, drawing together state government director generals who will explore the development of a Western Australian wellbeing index.
Screenshot of the Culture WA portal

Treasures of Western Australia digitised and accessible to all

A new, free digital platform that provides access to the extraordinary collections from Western Australia's main cultural institutions through a single, searchable portal, has gone live.
Players of Australia huddle after the FIFA Women's World Cup 2011 Group D match between Australia and Equatorial Guinea at the Fifa Womens World Cup Stadium.

WA supports Australian bid for Women’s Football World Cup 2023

The State Government has thrown its support behind Australia's bid to host the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup, the ultimate competition in international women's football.
Generic publication cover

30 October 2019 meeting


State Local Partnership Agreement Communique
Greyhounds as pets

New laws proposed for retired racing greyhounds

The State Government is proposing changes to the law that will give new life to retired racing greyhounds.
Close up photo of a microphone in a recording studio

Survey: Building capacities in the WA music sector

Music industry professionals, musicians and practitioners are invited to have their say on professional development and capacity building needs in the local contemporary music industry.
Minister McGurk and Minister Murray

Levelling the playing field in sports leadership

The State Government has begun assisting Western Australian sporting associations to achieve new national targets to increase the low number of women represented in leadership roles in sport.
A close-up photo of someone at a laptop holding a credit card

How to pay your annual liquor licence fees

The department mailed out invoices for annual liquor licence fees on 12 November 2019, with payments due on or before 1 January 2020.
WAM CON logo

Contemporary Music Fund empowering local music industry

Western Australia’s premier contemporary music conference received $200,000 from the Contemporary Music Fund to support its continued success over three years.
A local Christmas pagent with community members in a crowd

Panel appointed to help develop new Local Government Act for WA

Local Government Minister David Templeman today announced the formation of an expert panel to progress the development of a new Local Government Act for Western Australia.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023